
A book I love

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind I found this book when I came across The Secret (audio) by Rhonda Byrne. This book was written by Joseph Murphy and I think this must be the reference for The Secret. I got this book at a very apt time. Because back then I used to be desperate. As soon as I started reading this book, I fell in love with it. I've learned to be positive and it left me with big hope. I would say a transition from pessimist to optimist happened. Thereafter, it changed my perception of life forever. The faith that Murphy had given to me through this book is what keeps me going in this journey of life.

There was a lockdown kind of situation even in Mahabharata

Aswathama got furious when he came to know that his father Dhronacharya was cheated to death. He then struck back at Pandava Sena with the Narayanastra, a weapon of the Lord Vishnu. As Lord Krishna knows that this weapon will destroy people who have a weapon in their hand, try/ think to do war, made his crew threw away all weapons. He also insisted his crew not think destructively. Over time, the Narayanastra lost its power. In this way, the Pandava Sena was secured. Through this story, you must've realized that fight will not give victory in all situations. So, to escape from the coronavirus we should remain calm, positive, and quarantine ourselves. Remember, you shouldn't worry about the virus. you shouldn't be panicking. It will automatically go away when its time comes. These are the words of God.